It's Fat Tuesday and usually around this time of year I contemplate what negative behavior I am going to give up for the next six weeks leading up to Easter. I've been taught to rid myself of things like processed foods and negative words such as "can't" every Lent in the hopes of making positive lifestyle changes. For much of my childhood and adolescence this meant I gave up things like sweets and candy with the goal of over indulging in a basket full of chocolate bunnies and Cadbury eggs come Easter Sunday. As a young adult it has meant shedding myself of pity, loafing and sometimes fried foods in the attempt to improve my attitude and shrink my waistline.
This year I am unsure of what I want to give up and am more in touch of what my life needs to be given. To put it plain and simple I need a job and so far I'm just trying to hold on to my faith this Lenten Season. So what is it I can give up to renew my allegiance to God and grow confident in my quest for gainful employment? Whatever it is I'm willing abstain if leads to some form of comfort, security and mobility. These are my hopes come Easter.
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